


Bound Feed the Gagged

“WALLS OF JERICHO”,来自摩托城底特律的年轻乐队,现代感浓郁的曲风融入野蛮、凶猛的音色,结合了Hardcore Punk与Speed Metal激进、张狂的特点,加之嗓音极端、暴烈的女...

Bound Feed the Gagged

Bound Feed the Gagged

There are few bands than can write a two minute song that incorporates every element of metal/hardco...

Bound Feed the Gagged

Speechless/Gagged But Not Bound

Raven presents two essential Albert Lee solo albums on the one cd for the first time - Speechless (1...

Speechless Gagged But Not Bound

Bound, Gagged and Blindfolded


Bound Gagged and Blindfolded