


Salvatore Accardo :The Violins of Cremona

Every year, tens of thousands of people go to the Cremona Town Hall to visit the Violin Room. Here t...

Salvatore Accardo The Violins of Cremona

Die Legende Von Cremona


Die Legende Von Cremona

The Legacy of Cremona

美国小提琴家鲁杰罗.里奇分别用十八把名琴演奏的古典十八支名曲,无论从演技到音质都无可挑剔,曲调优美,演奏细腻,丝丝入扣,是发烧友不可多得的一张试音天碟。   引用:   Ruggiero Ricci/...

The Legacy of Cremona

The Violins of Cremona - Homage to Kreisler


The Violins of Cremona Homage to Kreisler

Violins of Cremona


Violins of Cremona

I violini di Cremona:Omaggio a Kreisler

小提琴宗师阿卡多向Kreisler致敬集。用多款超靓名琴演奏了Kreisler的小提琴曲   fone唱片公司已经有近二十年的历史,擅长以真空管麦克风(纽曼U47及U49)在音乐厅、音响极佳之教堂或古...

I violini di Cremona Omaggio a Kreisler