


Caspian's Dream


Caspian s Dream

All Os the Caspian Ep


All Os the Caspian Ep

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

作者资料:   Harry Gregson-William(哈里·格雷森-威廉姆斯)出生于对音乐抱有严谨态度的英国,虽然自小就做为剑桥合唱团的一员巡演于世界各国,但直至从伦敦的吉尔德侯音乐与戏剧学校毕...

The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

作者资料:   Harry Gregson-William(哈里·格雷森-威廉姆斯)出生于对音乐抱有严谨态度的英国,虽然自小就做为剑桥合唱团的一员巡演于世界各国,但直至从伦敦的吉尔德侯音乐与戏剧学校毕...

The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian

Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian (OST)


Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian OST

The Chronicles on Narnia: Prince Caspian


The Chronicles on Narnia Prince Caspian