


Xenakis: Erikhthon; Ata; Akrata; Krino?di


Xenakis Erikhthon Ata Akrata Krino ? di

Great Conductors of the 20th Century: Ataúlfo Argenta

指挥:阿图尔夫·阿真塔   EMI CZS 5750972(2CD)   李斯特:浮士德交响曲,巴黎音乐学院音乐协会乐团,1955年6月巴黎   拉威尔:小丑的晨歌,巴黎香舍利榭剧院乐团,1956年1...

Great Conductors of the 20 th Century Ata ú lfo Argenta

Rotting Pi?ata


Rotting Pi ? ata


Following the success of last year's debut "Mejico Maxico" is this infectious pastiche of electroni...

Pi ? ata

Don Ata


Don Ata

Pi?ata Baby


Pi ? ata Baby

Iannis Xenakis: Orchesterwerke Vol. 4 (Erikhton / Ata / Akrata / Krinoidi)


Iannis Xenakis Orchesterwerke Vol 4 Erikhton Ata Akrata Krinoidi


A raw acoustic sound comin' down from the cold waters of Penobscot Bay. This Trio formed in the Summ...

Pi ? ata

Science Pi?ata


Science Pi ? ata