


Toi bak man 9 chiu 5

如果联系到最近一些涉及青年文化的国外电影如《八英里(8miles)》《24小时疯狂派对(24 hours party people)》来谈,这部《台北晚九朝五》显然没有着力描述影片主角在音乐上的创造力...

Toi bak man 9 chiu 5

Chopin: Complete Mazurkas / Frederic Chiu


Chopin Complete Mazurkas Frederic Chiu

Prokofiev: Violin Sonatas no. 1 & 2, Five Melodies, etc. / Amoyal, Chiu


Prokofiev Violin Sonatas no 1 2 Five Melodies etc Amoyal Chiu

In The Name Of Chiu


In The Name Of Chiu