

Bach - Cantatas BWV 199, 179, 113 / Kozená · Towers · Padmore · Loges · Gardiner


Bach Cantatas BWV 199 179 113 Kozen á Towers Padmore Loges Gardiner

Complete Sacred Cantatas: Nos. 1-199


Complete Sacred Cantatas Nos 1 199

Bach: Cantatas BWV 85, 183, 199, 175 /Concerto Vocale Leipzig * Ensemble Baroque de Limoges * Coin


Bach Cantatas BWV 85 183 199 175 Concerto Vocale Leipzig Ensemble Baroque de Limoges Coin

进口\:哈嗯演奏的小提琴作品(474 199-2)()


进口 哈嗯 演奏 小提琴 作品 474 199 2

进口CD:音乐之窗--舒曼:第1交响曲"春天"等(469 199-2)


进口 CD 音乐 舒曼 1 交响曲 春天 469 199 2



199 Quad

Bach : The Sacred Cantatas BWV.1-199


Bach The Sacred Cantatas BWV 1 199

Bach: Cantatas 51, 82a, 199


Bach Cantatas 51 82 a 199

Bach: Cantatas, Vol 4 (BWV 199, 165, 185, 163) /Bach Collegium Japan * Suzuki


Bach Cantatas Vol 4 BWV 199 165 185 163 Bach Collegium Japan Suzuki

Once More With Feeling-Singles 199


Once More With Feeling Singles 199

Bach 巴赫 -《康塔塔》(Cantatas(BWV82a.BWV199.BWV51))Veritas


Bach 巴赫 康塔塔 Cantatas BWV 82 a BWV 199 BWV 51 Veritas

Bach: Cantatas BWV 199 & 51; Flute Concertos


Bach Cantatas BWV 199 51 Flute Concertos



199 Quad

J.S. Bach: Cantatas for Solo Soprano, BWV 51, 52, 84, 199

Among J.S. Bach’s 200 or so surviving church cantatas, these four for solo soprano include the popul...

J S Bach Cantatas for Solo Soprano BWV 51 52 84 199

199: Ere I Forget, Or Die, Or Move Away


199 Ere I Forget Or Die Or Move Away

Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantata BWV 82,199

Lorraine Hunt Lieberson has been scantily represented on CD, and that makes this gorgeous, deeply fe...

Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata BWV 82 199