Memory Loves You



Memory Loves You

又名: 爱你的记忆

表演者: Sophie Zelmani

流派: 民谣

专辑类型: Import

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 2007-02-19

唱片数: 1

出版者: Sony/Epic

条形码: 0886970630924


  Zelmani十四岁的时候拥有了她的第一把吉他,她的父亲教她和弦。差不多十年以后,开始陆续将自己录制的小样寄给各家唱片公司。索尼公司第一个给了她答复,并且把她介绍给曾和Ulf Lundell 与Bo Kaspers Orkester合作过的创作人兼吉他手Lars Halapi。在与Zelmani的合作中,Halapi负责编曲,他把Van Morrison风格融入到她的新专辑中,这也许是他最出色的地方。不过词作者都是Zelmani,她的柔和清澈的嗓音给人一种甜而不腻的感觉。1995年冬天,专辑打入流行榜单第四名,不久便在瑞典和日本大卖。
  Zelmani开始了在欧洲的宣传演唱会,随后又去了美国。Precious Burden于1998年发行,赢得了非常好的口碑。前两张专辑由Halapi录音并且负责制作和演奏大部分乐器。但是后来,她组了一个乐队,仍旧由Halapi负责制作,她还参与创作了其中的一首歌。直到1999年Time to Kill发行。
  从1995年以一曲“Always You”开始,来自瑞典这个北方国度的甜美清新邻家女孩Sophie Zelmani,便以其生活化、发自内心真诚的诗意词句,简单乾净透澈却能直接触摸隐藏在心灵深处纤纤情感的音乐,而征服了瑞典、欧陆乃至亚洲的广大歌迷。Sophie Zelmani的音乐之所以能像她的人一样,情感纤细、纯净亲切而动人,那是因为她的歌直接纪录了她的成长心路历程。
  从收录“Always You”、“A Thousand Times”等单曲,甜美羞涩的首张同名专辑,到走红之后面对漫长的巡回演出与数不尽的访谈而感到痛苦,继而使其创作呈现出苦涩与深沉黑暗气氛的第二张专辑《Precious Burden》,再到即将迎向曙光、向伤感告别的第三张专辑《Time To Kill》,以及如今的最新作品“Sing And Dance”-彷佛用音乐来回忆着过去那个在情感或生理上正要愈合,然而一旦触碰到还是会带来疼痛的伤口-Sophie Zelmani就像个挚友般分享着她的情感与心情变化,唯一不变的是她的音乐表现方式,依然是清脆的吉他合弦衬托着她温暖甜美的歌声,恰如其分不喧宾夺主的鼓与贝斯,陪衬上彷如远方传来的萨克司风及逐渐贴近的长笛或小提琴悠扬旋律,传递出彷佛在冷飕飕的秋天夜晚漫步走在瑞典已然结霜的路上,脚底还不时传出嘎吱细碎声响,那沁凉萧瑟绝美的意境,让人愈听愈沉醉其中难以自拔......
  有人是这么描述Sophie Zelmani的音乐的:清脆的吉他合弦衬托着温暖甜美的歌声,恰如其分不喧宾夺主的鼓与贝斯,陪衬上彷如远方传来的萨克司风及逐渐贴近的长笛或小提琴悠扬旋律,传递出彷佛在冷飕飕的秋天夜晚漫步走在瑞典已然结霜的路上。[此介绍转自网络,感谢原作者]
  从1995年开始,来自瑞典这个北方国度的甜美清新邻家女孩Sophie Zelmani苏菲珊曼妮,便以生活化、发自内心真诚的诗意词句,简单乾净透澈却能直接触摸隐藏在心灵深处纤纤情感的音乐,而征服了瑞典、欧陆甚至亚洲的广大歌迷。Sophie的音乐之所以能像她的人一样,情感纤细、纯净亲切而动人,那是因为她的歌直接纪录了她的成长心路历程。 她的作品彷佛用音乐来回忆着过去那些在情感正要愈合,然而一旦触碰到还是会带来疼痛的伤口,那沁凉萧瑟绝美的意境,就是这麽让人愈听愈沉醉其中而难以自拔。 有人是这么描述Sophie Zelmani的音乐的:清脆的吉他合弦衬托着温暖甜美的歌声,恰如其分不喧宾夺主的鼓与贝斯,陪衬上彷如远方传来的萨克司风及逐渐贴近的长笛或小提琴悠扬旋律,传递出彷佛在冷飕飕的秋天夜晚漫步走在瑞典已然结霜的路上。
  It all started when Sophie, born in a suburb to Stockholm, was 14. Herstepfather taught her some chords and so she found out she could write songs. “I wrote a song and it felt amazing. I didn’t really think that much about what I was doing, really.” Says Sophie with typically modest.
  She recorded a few songs at a local studio and decided to send the demos to three record companies, with no special expectations. Soon
  Sony Sweden gave her a phone-call and offered her a record deal. By then she never had played in front of an audience. Sophie started to record
  her debut album in 1995. The album is produced and arranged by Lars Halapi, who also plays the guitar on all of the songs. Sophie’s music has
  been compared with such great artist as Neil Young, Van Morrison and Bob Dylan. The shimmering acoustic guitar in “Always You” bares the spirit of Neil Young and Van Morrison-like sax riffs underlines the song “A Thousand Times”. “I’ll See You (In Another World)” radiates the feeling of
  Springsteen; the song is about her stated beliefs in destiny, wisdom of life, goodness, dreams, close relationships and love. Sophie’s music also
  has a lot in common with singer/songwriters as Joni Mitchell and Jewel Kilcher.
  It all adds up to something unique in the history of Swedish music and Sophie’s music is liked in many of the world’s different parts. Even many
  Americans have taken hear music to their hearts,something that’s not so strange considering that the singer/songwriter tradition originated in the US. Swedish critics agree on that Sophie’s album is something special. She was awarded a Grammy at the Swedish Grammy awards as best newcomer in 1995, she was also nominated for Best female pop singer. Her album has sold gold both in Sweden and Japan where she is very popular.
  After promoting her album in the US, she finally started to work on her new album in the autumn of 1997. The second album entitled “Precious Burden” came out in 1998 and showed a new side of Sophie Zelmani - her songs were still as simple and convincing but pain colored the music in deep black shades. Top photographer Anton Corbijn shot the cover photos of the album and his dramatic pictures capture the black beauty that had by then become something of a Sophie Zelmani trademark. Since the turbulence of the first album release Sophie Zelmani has started saying
  no to interviews she doesn’t feel like giving and she’ll only go on tour for short periods of time. It just weren’t her thing. She wanted to stay home in Stockholm and she wanted to play music, not talk about her songs or spend her time on the road.
  If the third album “Time To Kill” was the last, painful phase of a drawn-out farewell, “Sing And Dance” is perhaps the musical memory of a -
  emotional or physical - wound. A wound about to heal, still a bit sore. The darkness and the pain are still present, but more often expressed in
  the past tense than in the present. The lyrics for the deeply deranging “Gone With The Madness” - where the world, it seems, falls into pieces on
  the tongue of Sophie Zelmani - talks about love that goes over the top. But the madness is - if not forgotten - well gone.
  Sophie writes about serious matters and she always has. Her songs will remind you of trotting horses in an American Western movie as well as of
  Swedish frost crunching under your soles during a long walk in the chilly autumn night. Zelmani music is country rock as simple as it can be -
  voice and guitar, drums and bass, the sound of a saxophone at a distance, the sounds of a flute or violin coming in close!瀏览更多


1. Wait For Cry
2. Memory Loves You
3. Broken Sunny Day
4. I Got Yours
5. Sorrow
6. How Different
7. Love On My Mind
8. Travelling
9. Now You Know
10. Shades
关键词:Memory Loves You