El Condor Pasa



El Condor Pasa

又名: 山鹰飞逝

表演者: Guillermo De La Roca

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 1996-02-20

出版者: Epm Musique

条形码: 0723722355127


《El condor Pasa》是由秘鲁音乐民俗学家丹尼尔?阿洛米阿斯?罗夫莱斯(Daniel Alomias Robles,1871-1942)与T?米尔奇贝格(T? Milchbeg)根据秘鲁民歌编为吉他独奏曲。罗夫莱斯是有印第安血统的秘鲁民歌研究家,生于互努科,卒于利马附近乔西卡。他毕生致力于搜集秘鲁民歌,生前采集了包括《太阳颂》的印第安部族的民歌650首。《雄鹰飞逝(El condor Pasa)》是根据民歌素材完成的小歌剧。其中的《印加舞曲》颇为著名。本曲由三部曲式构成,a小调。音乐质朴,民族色彩鲜明。在低音区的主持续音衬托下,流畅的歌声显得格外动人。中间部分速度加快,这一部分开始之前,出现强烈的击乐器般的声响。随后在二拍子民间舞曲的节奏型(XX XX X X)伴奏下,用小快板速度奏出热情的舞蹈场面,最后再现开头的部分。全曲虽用小调式谱曲,但是五声音阶性质的旋律进行贯穿全曲。
  《El Condor Pasa (Fly Like An Eagle) 》是一首反抗西班牙殖民者的南美秘鲁民歌,后被Paul Simon & Garfunkel改编,用英文重唱。这首歌曲已经被列入联合国世界文化遗产了。旋律宁静、深邃、高远,让人心境明澈,是不可多的的优秀作品。
  El Condor Pasa的原型据传出自秘鲁自由战士Tupac Amaro的故事。1780年,他在领导一场反抗西班牙人的起义中被害,死后化作一只雄鹰,永远翱翔于祖国的安第斯山上空。秘鲁人民凭歌寄意,表达了对英雄的怀念以及对自由的不息追求。
  Paul Simon & Garfunkel演绎的版本具有浓厚拉丁美洲乡间味道。排萧的演奏给整个曲子带来高亢而飘逸的美感。 Simon的声线并不高昂,但相当有韵味,而Garfunkel对和声的处理令人叫绝,与美妙的旋律配合得天衣无缝。英文歌词用了四对物体作比较:麻雀和蜗牛,铁锤和铁钉,森林和街道,天鹅与人。而作者都选择每一对比较物的前者,因为它们比后者享有更大、更多的自由。正如歌曲最后表达的一种心情:天鹅自由自在地高飞于蓝天,而人却被束缚在大地上,唱着最悲哀的歌。但同时歌曲中充满了一种现实感,表达了作者希望能够脚踏实地。所以,此歌讲述的是一种不脱离现实的自由,也就是现实条件下所允许的自由。
  El Cóndor Pasa ("The Condor Goes by") is a Peruvian zarzuela, or musical play, and its more famous title song El Cóndor Pasa.
  In 2004 the piece was declared Patrimonio cultural de la Nación, an official part of Peru's cultural heritage. [1] The music was composed in 1913 by Daniel Alomía Robles and the libretto by Julio Baudouin under the pseudonym Julio de La Paz. It was published in 1933.
  The story is set in a mine in Cerro de Pasco, and deals with a tragic conflict between Indians and "Sajones" (Saxons), their European bosses. The exploitative Mr. King, owner of the mine, is killed by Higinio, but is soon replaced by another owner, Mr. Cup, and the fight continues. The condor of the title symbolises the ideal of freedom.
  The song appears in the finale. Originally it was wordless. The tune is a cashua, a kind of Andean dance similar to a huayno. It was inspired by traditional Andean songs.
  The words are in Quechua, the language of the Inca Empire, which is still spoken by the indigenous people of Peru. The singer calls on the mighty condor of the Andes to take him back to the old Inca kingdom of Machu Picchu.
  Source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_C%C3%B3ndor_Pasa_(play)


Cacharpaya del Indio (Danse) - Guillermo de la Roca, Garcia, Nicolas
关键词:El Condor Pasa