Karen's Legs



Karen's Legs

表演者: Trout

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 2009-04-21

唱片数: 1

条形码: 0676868178825


  首先别被封面误导,这不是女歌手在诱惑你,这是一个男人唱的歌,不过歌里可不缺女人,这就是生活,主唱把他的生活经历做了个总结,表达着与女人之间的情感交流,用他那玩世不恭又正儿八经的腔调唱述了和女人之间故事,轻松的节奏,漂亮的和声,特别是歌词很有趣,思考生活,享受快乐,生活中有时你会兴奋,有时你会失落,但是别绝望,套用一句歌词:Cause even in my darkest hour all I do is think of Karen's Leg。(附带歌词)
  When I was 18 years old, my father sat me down and cautioned that I would never be anything more than a third-rate musician. He then told me I should pursue a career in business. But despite his reservations, he invested $3000 in equipment for my high school rock-and-roll band, most of which, to no one’s surprise, he has yet to recover.
  Thirty years later, following a business career that can best be summarized as a long sequence of serious mistakes and bad decisions, I seem to have recorded an album. I am hoping the results will eventually convince my father that I have, in fact, become a second-rate musician.
  KAREN’S LEGS is a selection of pop compositions, written over a very long period of time, and recently recorded with the assistance of a wide variety of unusually talented artists. Do not look for a great deal of thematic unity, as I see no point in writing the same song twice. I grew up listening to top-40 AM radio, so the list of influences encompasses just about everything: glam rock, folk, blues, country and western, jazz, Latin, maybe even some classical accents. Don’t listen to this album if you suffer from a neurotic inconsistency disorder.


1. Don’t Ever Tell A Dog
2. Coefficient Of Haze (It’s All Walt’s Fault)
3. World’s Worst Girlfriend
4. April In November
5. Let’s Be Friends (Let’s Just Be Friends)
6. Karen’s Legs
7. Nogies Creek (Eye For Detail)
8. Just A Teenage Girl
9. Hello Molly
10. Cliches For Kari-Ann
关键词:Karen s Legs