



表演者: 未知艺术家

介质: VCD

唱片数: 6

条形码: 9787885254988

ISRC(中国): CNF170539100


  01 活动一二歌Action song
  02 两只小鹂乌Two little fat birds
  03 家,甜蜜的家Home,sweet home
  04 泰弟小熊Teddy bear
  05 噢!苏珊娜Oh!Suzanna
  06 蝴蝶Butterfly
  07 哈啰Hello
  08 哈,你叫什么名字Hello,What's your name?
  09 伦敦桥London birdge
  10 嘿,你好吗Hello how are you
  11 叮铃当Jingle bells
  12 小世界It's a small world
  13 ABC之歌ABC song
  14 黄毛毯My yellow blanket
  15 太阳先生Mister sun
  16 新年好Happy new year
  17 我的小狗Where has my little dog gone
  18 数字歌The number song
  19 这是鸭子那是鹅This is a duck and that's a goose
  20 生日快乐Happy birthday to you
  21 十个印弟安小男孩儿Ten little indian boys
  22 唱一首歌Sing a song
  23 早安Good morning
  24 嘿,教师节快乐Hello,Happy teacher's day
  01 吧!吧!黑羊Baa,Baa,Black sheep
  02 哆来咪Do re mi
  03 你是我的阳光You are my sunshine
  04 雨,加快停止Rain,rain go away
  05 友谊万岁Auld land syne
  06 巴士上的轮子The wheels on the bus
  07 和我一起跳舞Dance with me
  08 平安夜Silent night
  09 男孩和女孩Boy and girl
  10 桌子和椅子Table and chair
  11 你来自哪里?Where are you from
  12 拼字歌The spelling song
  13 你是贝蒂吗Are you betty?
  14 拍手Clap hands
  15 我想I want
  16 小红裙Little red dress
  17 穿衣Wear
  18 划小船Row row row your boat
  19 我的朋友My friend
  20 简是我新的亲密朋友Jane is my new close friend
  21 哦我强壮能工作Oh I am strong and i can work
  22 小老鼠吱吱叫Dickory dickory dock
  23 我们这样洗衣This is the way we wash our clothes
  01 她绕过大山前进She'll come round the mountain
  02 跟我唱Follwo me
  03 指令歌Action song
  04 头,肩,膝盖和脚趾Head shoulders knees and toes
  05 快乐歌Happy song
  06 七天一星期Seven day of a week
  07 一、二和好鞋带Buckle my shoes
  08 划小船Row row row your boat
  09 祝你们晚安Good night
  10 我看见一只小鸟Once i saw a little bird
  11 一闪一闪的小星星Twinkle twinkle little star
  12 在车站里Down at the station
  13 摇摇小宝贝Rock a bye baby
  14 罗比露Looby loo
  15 你能告诉我吗Can you tell me
  16 外形Shapes
  17 就这样This is the way
  18 我能从1数到15I can count from one to fifteen
  19 日子days
  20 我叫比尼My name is benny
  21 哈啰很高兴见到你Heel!i am glad to meet you
  22 我是优秀的音乐家I'm a fine musician
  23 伦敦之火London's burning
  24 警察The policeman
  25 他们帮助我They can help me
  26 哈罗哈罗你好吗Hello hello how are you
  27 钢笔和铅笔Pen and pencil
  28 ABC之歌ABC song
  29 看看这幅画Look at the picture
  01 波莉煮水Polly put the kettle on
  02 我有两只手I have two hands
  03 六只小鸭Six little ducks
  04 我能唱彩虹歌I can sing a rainbow
  05 我送信给朋友I sent a letter to my friend
  06 桌子和椅子Table and chair
  07 麦克唐纳有一个农场Old macdonald had a farm
  08 十个绿色的小瓶子Ten green bottles
  09 小狗熊翻越小山丘The bear went over the mountain
  10 早晨来得早Morning comes early
  11 一二三四五One two three four five
  12 我的邦尼My bonnie
  13 小花篮A fisket a fasket
  14 ABC之歌ABC song
  15 我们更多的在一起The more we get together
  16 玛丽的小羊羔Mary had a little lamb
  17 你在睡觉吗Are you sleeping
  18 新朋友Make new friends
  19 傍晚多可爱How lovely is the evening
  20 两个胖绅士Two fat gentle men
  21 新年好Happy new year
  22 祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you
  23 伦敦桥London bridge
  24 卖松饼的人Muffin man
  25 祝你圣诞节快乐Merry christmas
  26 钟的铃声Ding a dong
  01 十个小印第安人Ten little indian boys
  02 您早Good morning to you
  03 我是一个小雪人Snowman
  04 见过一个小姑娘吗Did you ever see a lassie
  05 睡吧,宝贝Sleep baby sleep
  06 泥娃娃The doll of clay
  07 很久以前Long long ago
  08 我的小马驹My little pony
  09 划小船Row row row your boat
  10 彼特在哪里Where is peter
  11 彩虹歌Rainbow
  12 圣诞节快乐Merry chrismas
  13 三只小猴子The three little monkeys
  14 头,肩,膝盖和脚趾Head shoulders knees and toe
  15 一星期七天Seven days of a week
  16 小星星亮晶晶Twinkle twinkle little star
  17 麦克唐纳有一个农场Old macdonald had a farm
  18 我们更多的在一起The more we get together
  19 我雪绒花Edelweiss
  20 我的长辈My old man
  21 就这样This is the way
  22 嘀嗒钟Hickery dickery dock
  23 一起歌唱Sing sing together
  24 世事难预料Que sera sera
  01 早上好Good morning
  02 一起唱歌Sing sing together
  03 拍手拍手拍打我们的手Clap clap clap our hands
  04 铅笔在哪儿Where is the
  05 拇指人在哪里?Where is top man?
  06 到动物园To the zoo
  07 彩色colour
  08 玛丽的小羊羔Mary had a little lamb
  09 一个老头This old man
  10 形状Shape
  11 金文婷Clementine
  12 ABC之歌ABC Song
  13 宾果Bingo
  14 这是什么What is this?
  15 懒惰的小猪,你何时起床Lazy piggy will you get up
  16 元音字母歌Aeiou
  17 Bamey的歌Bamey theme song
  18 你多大了How old are you
  19 该说再见了It's time to say good-bye
  20 快乐的漫游者The happy wanderer
  21 姑妈回来了My aunt came back
  22 我想成为I want to be


1 国际歌

2 中华人民共和国国歌

3 中国共产党主义青年团团歌

4 中国少年先锋队队歌

5 运动员进行曲

6 庆典进行曲

7 集合号

8 出旗曲

9 升旗曲

10 退旗曲

11 颁次曲一

12 颁奖曲二