Radio Pyongyang: Commie Funk and Agit Pop from the Hermit Kingdom



Radio Pyongyang: Commie Funk and Agit Pop from the Hermit Kingdom

又名: 平壤电台:隐士王国的共产主义疯客和躁动流行曲

表演者: Fm3/Christiaan Virant/老赵

专辑类型: 专辑

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 2005-09-27

唱片数: 1

出版者: Sublime Frequencies

条形码: 0751937275022


【简介】 Schmaltzy synthpop, Revolutionary rock, Cheeky child rap, and a healthy dose of hagiography for Dear Leader Kim Jong-il, this is the now NOW sound of North Korea! A hermit kingdom with a rich folk history and an even richer tradition in over-the-top praise for the ruling House of Kim, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remains a diplomatic thorn and a culture never Neverland. Boasting a heady mix of Stalin opera, Tokyo karaoke and brooding impressionism, the sound of present-day Pyongyang distills into warped agit-pop and lost-in-time commie funk. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in North Korean music, this is your vehicle for exploration. Christiaan Virant has visited this mysterious land and has assembled this amazing audio collage. Captured within are rare live recordings from various performances and mass games demonstrations, sounds lifted from People’s Army television dramas, samples from hard-to-find CD releases obtained in the capital, and of course, news reports from the “real” Radio Pyongyang, which continues to broadcast to this day, albeit under the new, strikingly anodyne moniker “Voice of Korea”.
  由christiaan virant(老赵)独立完成的。
  Christiaan Virant(老赵)在访问了现存的唯一神秘国度朝鲜之后,将现场采样和朝鲜人民电台广播内容进行剪接拼贴,形成了这张带有戏虐名字的《平壤电台:隐士王国的共产主义疯客和躁动流行曲》(“Agit”其实是“agitation”缩写,含有“鼓吹,骚动”的意思)。如果抛去西方政治猎奇的有色眼镜的话,这张民族歌曲大集萃带给我是一段光阴的奇异回顾,以至于我特别想去朝鲜。在那里,时间停滞在了史前状态,那是我们的曾经,已远远地被抛在了后头:居民区大喇叭的定点广播,少先队表演活动,为迎接外宾而粉饰一新(我现在还记得很小的时候,有外宾来访幼儿园时给我们“很好吃”的果糖),国家重大节庆时的各族人民大合唱“万寿无疆”,每本电影前老长老长的政治宣传片或科教片(现在遭人投诉的加播广告其实好看多了)等等。除了在我们的综艺晚会还能找到一丝遗迹之外,这些曾经如此熟悉的体现了一种积极向上的未来主义情绪,现在只能标本式的遗留在了我们的社会主义邻邦朝鲜。但是以别人的水深火热来供自己缅怀和伤感又是如此的不人道。当然,老赵在共产主义疯客流行曲大联唱中自然少不了拼贴一下对伟大领袖金正日同志无比歌颂的朝鲜人民电台社论了。