Medieval Gardens



Medieval Gardens

表演者: Orlando Consort

专辑类型: CD

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 2006-02-06

唱片数: 1

出版者: Harmonia Mundi

条形码: 0093046739829


一张汇集Gombert, Crecquillon ,de Rore, Phinot等等诸多文艺复兴到中世纪作曲家的音乐集,只不过这次和都花有关,相比DG出品的合集。。。就不说啥了(大家可以看到,至今偶上传的贴还没有出现过DG的策划)。这张CD把不少知名不知名的音乐家都列了一遍,希望能作为FDPTer聆听早期音乐的索引。Orlando Consort是美国团,至今已在DG和harmonia mundi发行了不少CD,这张可以看到他们多年来成熟的风格,这张更是表现不错。PS小册子是全彩,拍的时候不小心有些东西也一起进去了,大家见谅啊~
  In the "illuminated" (hand-painted) manuscripts of the 14th-16th Centuries, one sees a world of lost beauty. The skies were bluer, the breezes more sweetly scented, the birds more abundant, the stars more numerous, and it was blessedly quiet. Quiet enough to hear a lute in a garden. Quiet enough that the sounds of threshing and fulling cloth must have mingled pleasantly with the voices of monks and confraternalists chanting the Hours. A look at the clothes and furniture depicted in the paintings proves surely that beauty took precedence over comfort. Even the sheep-cotes and fish weirs of the era show an attention to beauty of design, and tourists today pay fortunes to trot through the crumbling ruins of the handsome cottages and sumptuous palaces of the late Middle Ages.
  A choice selection of miniature paintings is reproduced in this booklet/CD package from The Orlando Consort. The booklet is 114 pages of pictures, song texts, and essays concerning gardens, floral symbolism, and music from France, England, Spain, Italy, and Burgundy. The CD includes motets and chansons by composers such as Guillaume Machaut, Walter Frye, Juan Vasquez, Cipriano de Rore, and Alexander Agricola. As a musical program, frankly the selection is too diverse and inclusive to make concert sense, but no law requires you to listen to the CD all in one sitting. [That's my response to the intelligent but over-critical previous review by Maddy Evil.] Piece by piece, The Orlando Consort has never sounded better or more sensitive to stylistic nuances.
  Virtually all music from the late Medieval - early Renaissance is either three or four part composition, and whatever anyone tells you, performance by voices one-on-a-part was the norm and is the most satisfactory. This is particularly true in chansons, which are sung poetry above all. You've got to hear words! even if you don't understand the language. The Orlando Consort, an ensemble of four male singers, always delivers the poetry with emotive clarity. They also have a rare mastery of the rhythmic devices that make this music challenging and interesting. Hocket is an example. Hocket is the inclusion of silences in the melodic lines - not mere rests! melodic silences, often lasting only a fraction of a beat. When hockets are alternated in lines of polyphony, the notes seem to be tossed like balls between the singers, and the lines of melody interpenetrate each other like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Hocket requires intense togetherness and reckless confidence. The Orlandos also have superb tuning, the best of any vocal ensemble singing early music; there are special challenges in this repertoire that they have to overcome. The pre-Dufay selections on this disk, for instance, require Pythagorean tuning, while the later pieces sound best with Mean tuning; the former requires perfect fourths and sixths, while the latter demands perfect thirds, lower than modern piano tunings, and proportionate fifths. Modern tempered tuning just won't work. Of course, all the technique in creation wouldn't matter if the singers didn't have lovely voices, because, like everything in the Age of Beauty, music was above all intended to be beautiful. This is a beautiful little package of words, pictures, and music. It would make a stunning Valentine.


O flos campi (The Low Countries) - Nicolas Gombert
关键词:Medieval Gardens