Erik Satie: Complete Piano Works, Volume 5



Erik Satie: Complete Piano Works, Volume 5

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 1995-06-20

出版者: Audio Legends

条形码: 0789368194926


埃里克·萨蒂(Eric Alfred Leslie 埃里克·阿尔弗雷德·莱斯利,1866年生于翁弗勒尔,1925年卒于巴黎),法国作曲家、钢琴家。1888年完成其钢琴曲《Gymnopédies 裸体歌舞》。1891年参加天主教的玄宗教派,并为该教派创作数首乐曲。此后不久对作曲似乎已感厌倦,随后12年写成的作品不到10首。约1910年起,有些青年作曲家受他作品离奇而幽默的曲名诸如《Trois - Morceaux En forme de poire 梨形曲三段》的吸引,几乎将他作为崇拜的对象,以 Le Six 六人团 闻名于世的一组青年作曲家即受其强烈的影响。1915年与科克托的会面,导致贾吉列夫俄罗斯芭蕾舞团《Parade 游行》(1917)一剧的问世,其中采用爵士乐节奏,并在配器中运用打字机、轮船汽笛和警报器的声响。后又与超现实主义和达达主义者交往。
  萨蒂所以重要在于他引导法国新一代作曲家摆脱处于瓦格纳影响下的印象主义,而倾向于采用更简练和更惊人的风格。他的和声以和弦不解决为其特色。他的旋律简单,有时令人感到有点古朴,总谱也很简洁,很少用全奏的段落。《Socrate 苏格拉底》是他对之抱有很大希望的作品,其中大部分的段落相当短小,多半以钢琴独奏的方式。他预先使用了后来许多先锋派创作惯用的手法。
  对某些人而言,Erik Satie 是个怪人,老是给自己的音乐作品起一些可笑、荒.谬的古.怪标题。
  很多人深信,这一切不光是因为他那怪.异的才智,同时也是他故.意用于冒.犯当时的音乐评论人的。众所周知 Satie 讨.厌乐评人,而乐评们也不喜欢他。
  以下摘自一部短钢琴作品《烦恼 (Vexations)》(1893): “这个主题要连续弹奏840次,建议演奏者在最最安静的环境中一动不动稳坐着事先练习。”
  许多卓越的钢琴家都严格遵守了这条指引。他们中的许多人都取得了全球性的成功。然而,谁知道那指引是不是 Satie 捉弄演奏者的?毕竟,那指引并没规定演奏者*必须*弹奏840次。他只是说:“弹奏这个主题840次……”当然,我们永远无从知道他的真实意图,因为这部作品是在他死后才发表的。
  Satie 还是个收藏家。有一次别人问他想要什么生日礼物,他回答说:“那天我看见一块漂亮的手帕……”他死后,人们在他的衣橱里发现84块一模一样的手帕,还有12套一模一样的天鹅绒服装,以及成打的雨伞。
  Satie 被视为局外人,一匹追寻自己理.想的孤.独的狼。例如他修建了自己的教堂。如此一来,他极度重视自己的隐私,从不让别人参观他在 Arceuil 的住所,他在那里度过了生命中的最后27年。在他一生中人们只知道唯一的一段感情关系——他在1893年跟一名模特、同时也是画家和秋千艺人 Suzanne Valadon 的热烈的爱情。
  Satie 作为一名真正的艺术家,为了自己的音乐和自己的理想而活着。他从不看重金钱,过了许多年穷困的生活。他从不怕表达自己的真实想法。如果他觉得某人是个混蛋,他会很直率地说出来,而不顾及任何后果。


01 Musiques intimes et secrètes, for piano Nostalgie
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
02 Musiques intimes et secrètes, for piano Froide songerie
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
03 Musiques intimes et secrètes, for piano Facheux exemple
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
04 Pièces (6) de la période 1906-1913, for piano Désespoir agréable
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
05 Pièces (6) de la période 1906-1913, for piano Effronterie
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
06 Pièces (6) de la période 1906-1913, for piano Poésie
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
07 Pièces (6) de la période 1906-1913, for piano Prélude canin
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
08 Pièces (6) de la période 1906-1913, for piano Profondeur
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
09 Pièces (6) de la période 1906-1913, for piano Songe-creux
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
10 Aper?us désagréables (Unpleasant glimpses), pieces (3) for piano, 4 hands Pastorale
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
11 Aper?us désagréables (Unpleasant glimpses), pieces (3) for piano, 4 hands Choral
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
12 Aper?us désagréables (Unpleasant glimpses), pieces (3) for piano, 4 hands Fugue
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
13 Nouvelles pièces froides (New Cold Pieces), for piano Sur un mur
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
14 Nouvelles pièces froides (New Cold Pieces), for piano Sur un arbre
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
15 Nouvelles pièces froides (New Cold Pieces), for piano Sur un pont
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
16 Rêveries nocturnes (2), for piano Pas vite
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
17 Rêveries nocturnes (2), for piano Très modérément
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
18 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Air
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
19 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Essais
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
20 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Notes
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
21 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Le Prisonnier maussade
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
22 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Esquisses ("Le Grand Singe")
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
23 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Exercises
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
24 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Notes
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
25 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Harmonies
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
26 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Songerie vers "Jack"
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
27 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Bribes
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
28 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Choral
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
29 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Exercises
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
30 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Exercises
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
31 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Exercises
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
32 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Exercises
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
33 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Esquisse & Sketch Montmartrois (I)
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
34 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Gambades (ll)
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
35 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Essais (Arrière-propos)
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
36 Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis (Notebook of Sketches and Rough Drafts), for piano Petite Danse
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
37 En habit de cheval (In riding habit), 4 pieces for piano duet (or orchestra) Choral
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
38 En habit de cheval (In riding habit), 4 pieces for piano duet (or orchestra) Fugue litanique
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
39 En habit de cheval (In riding habit), 4 pieces for piano duet (or orchestra) Autre choral
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
40 En habit de cheval (In riding habit), 4 pieces for piano duet (or orchestra) Fugue de papier
Composed by Erik Satie
with Aleksandar Madzar, Bojan Gorisek
41 Préludes flasques; pour un chien (Flabby preludes; for a dog), for piano Voix d'intérieur
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
42 Préludes flasques; pour un chien (Flabby preludes; for a dog), for piano Idylle cynique
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
43 Préludes flasques; pour un chien (Flabby preludes; for a dog), for piano Chanson canine
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
44 Préludes flasques; pour un chien (Flabby preludes; for a dog), for piano Avec Camaraderie
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
45 Véritables préludes flasques pour un chien (Truely Flabby Preludes for a Dog), for piano Sévère réprimande
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
46 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Quadrille
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
47 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Valse
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
48 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Pas vite
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
49 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Mazurka
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
50 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Un peu vif
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
51 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Polka
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
52 Le Piège de Méduse, dances for piano Quadrille
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek
53 Descriptions automatiques, for piano Sur un vaisseau
Composed by Erik Satie
with Bojan Gorisek