



表演者: 吴文光

专辑类型: 专辑

介质: CD

发行时间: 2006

出版者: 北京文化艺术音像出版社


  古琴世家出身的吴文光大师,自幼受父亲吴景略大师真传,积累数十年,不仅演奏技巧精湛,更深悟其艺术真諦,不愧为虞山吴派的代表传人。1985~1990 年,他更负笈美国,发奋攻读民族音乐学理论,获得博士学位,具有广博学识及独到的理论建树。吴文光的古琴演奏与教学,足迹遍及欧洲、北美及全亚洲诸地,所到之处,无不获如潮佳评,同时也为他积累了丰富的教学与演奏经验。由於师承吴景略开创的以气韵见长的虞山吴派演奏艺术,以表现自然之趣和擅长心理描写为追求,在深厚的传统文化底蕴与专业音乐基础训练及长期的生活磨练中,以自已独特的创见形成了新时代的文人行吟风格,把古琴的表现技术和美学理论向前推进了一步,让听者可从而领会出中国流传数千年来的古琴音乐其深刻内涵与美的真諦!
  Chinese Qin Maestro Wu Jinglue, who had contributed very much on the succession and development of Chinese ancient qin art. People used to praise on his performance as the most beautifully and fluently fancy art of music. On the other hand, he had made qin performance a more popular and easy art to much more performers with his perfectly skilled performing, he had contributed very much on the succession and development of this art.
  Maestro Wu Wenguang, He holds degrees from the China Conservatory of National Music (B.A.), the Academy of Literature and Arts (M.A.) in Beijing and from Wesleyan University in the United States of America (Ph.D.).He is a professional scholar of Chinese ancient music and ethnomusicology, as well as a noted performer on the qin. Maestro Wu had toured to including the Europe, North America and all over the Asia as a qin soloist as well as a music advisor for many years. He not only was highly praised but also cumulated plenty of experience within these foreign tours. Maestro Wu is now a professor at the China Conservatory of Music and he succeeds very well this qin art of Yushan Qin Faction. Moreover, he has furthered the technical and artistic levels of qin performance with his well culture cultivated, seriously professional learning and a long-termed training in his life. Maestro Wu Wenguang thus develops well his specific art manner as a contemporary literary musician.


1.阳春 Sunny Spring
2.泛沧浪 Itineration
3.渔樵问答(琴簫合奏)Dialogues between a Fisher and a Woodcutter
4.秋塞吟 Melody to Autumn Frontier
5.梅花三弄(琴簫合奏)The Meihuasannong Tune
6.胡笳十八拍 Barbarian Reed-pipes in Eighteen Sections