Porgy & Bess (1951 Studio Recording)



Porgy & Bess (1951 Studio Recording)

表演者: von Winters (Künstler), Williams (Künstler), Engel (Künstler), George Gershwin (Komponist)

专辑类型: SM2K 93122

介质: CD

发行时间: 2004

唱片数: 2CD


条形码: 5099709312229


  20世纪最具爵士色彩的现代作曲家格什温(George Gershwin)以"Porgy & Bess"(乞丐与荡妇,又名波吉与贝丝),这出黑人的爵士乐歌剧,赢得了"黑人音乐的林肯"之美誉。这部歌剧描述一对黑人青年男女Porgy(波吉)与Bess(贝丝)的爱情故事,以及追求自由解放的经历。格什温以爵士和蓝调音乐的风格谱入传统的舞台剧中,在整出剧中让我们看到二十年代美国南方黑人在贫困和现实的压迫下,如何寻找他们生命中的彩虹和希望。这出剧中多首主题曲,像是" I Love You Porgy(我爱你波吉)"," Summertime(夏日时光)", " I got plenty of nothing(我一无所有)"等曲后来都一再为爵士乐手所翻唱或诠释。
  "Porgy & Bess"自1935年在New York首演以来,已成为爵士乐史上最经典的"变体",因为它是第一出黑人的歌剧,也是爵士乐首度以歌剧的形式在剧院中演出。在格什温短促的38年人生中,所完成的作品就以这部歌剧“Porgy & Bess”达到顶峰。


Disk: 1
1. Introduction (1. Akt)
2. Summertime
3. Seems like these bones
4. What, that chile ain't asleep yet?...(A woman is a sometime thing)
5. Here comes de honey man
6. Here comes Big Boy!
7. Oh, little stars, little stars
8. Wake up an' hit it out
9. Where is brudder Robbins?... (Gone, gone, gone)
10. Come on, sister, come on, brother... (Overflow)
11. Um! a saucer-burying setup
12. My man's gone now
13. How de saucer stan' now, my sister?
14. Oh, the train is at the station...(Leavin' for the Promise' Lan')
15. Oh, I'm a-goin' out to the Blackfish banks... (It take a long pull to get there) (2. Akt)
16. Mus' be you mens forgot about de picnic
17. I got plenty o' nuttin'
18. Mornin', lawyer
19. Dey's a buckra comin'
20. Look out, dat's a buzzard!... (The buzzard song)
21. 'Lo, Bess. Goin' to the picnic?
22. Bess, you is my woman now
23. Oh, I can't sit down!
24. What's the matter wid you, sister?
Disk: 2
1. Ha-da-da, ha-da-da
2. It ain't necessarily so
3. Hey there! Holt yo' holt
4. Oh, what you want wid Bess?
5. Lemme go, hear dat boat
6. Honey, dat's all de breakfast I got time for
7. Oh, Doctor Jesus
8. Oh, dey's so fresh an' fine
9. Now de time, oh, Gawd
10. If dere warn't no Crown, Bess... (I loves you, Porgy)
11. Why you been out on that wharf so long, Clara?
12. Oh, de lawk shake de Heavens
13. You is a nice parcel of christmas
14. How 'bout dis one, Big Frien'?... (A red-headed woman)
15. Jake's boat, in de river
16. Clara, Clara (3. Akt)
17. You low-lived skunk
18. Summertime
19. Wait for for us at the corner, Al
20. Oh, gawd! They goin' make him look on Crown's face!
21. There's a boat that's leavin' soon for New York
22. Good mornin', sistuh! Good morning, brudder!
23. It's Porgy comin' home
24. Oh, Bess, oh, where's my bess
25. Bess is gone
26. Oh, Lawd, I'm on my way