



表演者: 未知艺术家

介质: VCD

唱片数: 1

条形码: 9787883041597

ISRC(中国): CNC050200050


详细内容: 英语歌曲: Eiglish Songs01 Five little ducks 02 Birthday song 03 Old McDonald had a farm 04 Farmer in the dell 05 I'm a little alien 06 There's a hole in my bucket 07 What did you do at school today? 08 This old man 09 Here we are at the circus 10 Flying in my aeroplane 11 I know an old lady who swallowed a fly 12 I like plums 13 She'll be coming round the mountain 英语童谣: Nursery Rhymes01 Black sheep 02 Three blind mice 03 Jumping game 04 Diddle Diddle Dumpling 05 Jack and Jill 06 Pop goes the weasel 07 Sing a song of sixpence 08 Hey Diddle Diddle 09 The man in the moon 10 Little Bo Peep 11 Mary had a little lamb 12 Lavender's blue 13 Tom,Tom,the Piper's son 14 The grand old duke of York 15 Simple Simon 16 Yankee Doodle 17 Little miss Muffet 18 Georgie Porgie 19 Humpty Dumpty20 Ride a cock horse 21 Pat-a-cake广告语: 温迪英语动感童谣由歌曲、童谣和词与动作游戏三部分组成。选择英美流传广泛的经典作品,内容生动活泼、形式多样,即可学习欣赏,也可参与互动。以兴趣为切入点,自然输入英语词汇和句子,唱、听、说、做,让孩子轻松快乐地学习英语!★ 歌曲的旋律优美、节奏明快,唱歌有助于孩子记住故事,并能够帮助他们读一些简单的歌词。★ 童谣是传统文学的一部分,流传甚广并深受孩子们的喜爱,所以十分重要。童谣易学,说起来也有趣。有无歌词: 有