ChoP vol.1-over a foul line/simple questions



ChoP vol.1-over a foul line/simple questions

表演者: Zen Lu+Grzegorz Bojanek

介质: CDR

发行时间: 2007.03.25

出版者: We Play!Records

条形码: 0028479865203


ChoP is a new music group which is consist of China experimental musicianl ,Sound artist Zen Lu and Poland Experimental musician Grzegorz Bojanek . they mainly compose by transfering and exchanging the music samples through internet , and it actually reflects the grope and difference of experimental music and sound artist between two different culture and society. the first album of Chop < Over a foul line , simple questions > has been released recently . Chop will not only between Zenlu and Grzegorz . They will invite different artist from both two countries for the series publishing plans in the future . Dickson Dee , Hongkong experimental musician and Tomasz Pauszek (RND),Poland Electronic musician have been invited to join the composition of "Chop –vol.2,and it will be released on the middle of May , 2007.
  ____________________________________________ChoP是由中国实验音乐乐手、声音艺术家陆正与波兰实验音乐家Grzegorz Bojanek发起的新音乐团体,主要以网络传输的方式相互传递素材进行创作,体现出两种不同文化背景、不同社会形态下两国前卫音乐家对于实验音乐、声音艺术的探索与碰撞。ChoP第一张唱片《over a foul line,simple quesitons》已经出版,ChoP不仅仅局限于ZenLu和Grzegorz之间的创作,他们在未来的系列出版计划中将邀请两国不同的艺术家加入创作,香港实验音乐家Dickson Dee和波兰电子音乐家Tomasz Pauszek(RND)已受邀共同创作ChoP Vol.2,Sin:Ned和Minoo创作ChoP vol.3,这两个系列均已出版。KLC_NIR和Nejmano将共同创作ChoP vol.4.


1.incurable tradition
2.transparent thoughts
3.prowl at midnight
4.why not?