进口DVD:肯尼迪演奏巴赫作品集(332341 9 2)(DVD)



进口DVD:肯尼迪演奏巴赫作品集(332341 9 2)(DVD)

表演者: 肯尼迪 (Nigel Kennedy)

条形码: 0094633234192


《肯尼迪演奏巴赫作品集》收录了巴赫:第1小提琴协奏曲BWV 1041,第2小提琴协奏曲BWV 1042,小提琴及双簧管协奏曲BWV 1060,双小提琴协奏曲BWV 1043,另附录威瓦尔廸:《四季》选段。
  Nigel Kennedy teams up with the renowned Irish Chamber Orchestra in a live performance of Bach violin concertos. Filmed at the stunning church in Dingle in County Kerry with its fine acoustics and great intimacy with the audience. Bonus features include Kennedy in the Bach Museum of Leipzig, plus 3 video clips of Kennedy performing extracts from Vivaldi's "Four Seasons."