姚苏蓉 群星会珍藏系列(风度花落时 几度夕阳红)



姚苏蓉 群星会珍藏系列(风度花落时 几度夕阳红)

表演者: 姚苏蓉

介质: CD

唱片数: 2

条形码: 9787798907582

ISRC(中国): CNF180351000


01.几度花落时 A few flowers falls the hour
02.今天不回家 Do not go home today
03.负心的人 Heartless person
04.往日的旧梦 The old dream that is in the past
05.夕阳西沉 The setting sun sinks in the west
06.月满西楼 Full west in month floor
07.我与咖啡 I with coffee
08.红睡莲 Red water lily
09.心声泪痕 True feelings tear stain
10.我为你痴迷 be crazy about I am your
11.因为我爱你 Because I love you
12.情难守 The feeling is difficult to guard
13.像雾又像花 Resemble to resemble to spend again
14.我还是永远爱着你 I love you forever still
15.水长流 The water grows to flow
16.默默盼归期 It is silent to hope the date of return
17.月儿像柠檬 The moon resembles the lemon
18.蓝色的忧郁 Blue melancholy
19.一路顺风 All the way and with the wind
20.你把爱情还给我 Return to me to the love
01.几度夕阳红 A few setting suns is red
02.不要抛弃我 Do not abandon me
03.今夜又是雨 The tonight is rain again
04.一叶浮萍 A drifing leaf
05.钻石 Diamond
06.蒙蒙细雨 Receive the light drizzle
07.郊道 Suburb way
08.曼莉 Manli
09.我求你骗我骗到底 I beg you to cheat I cheat after all
10.情人的眼泪 The lover's tears
11.又像细雨又像风 Resemble the light drizzle again to resemble the breeze again
12.珊瑚恋 Remember fondly corallinely
13.泪的衣裳 Lachrymal clothes
14.恨你入骨 Hate you deeply
15.寻梦园 Look for the dream park
16.说不出的快活 Unspeakable comfortable and happy
17.花儿像人人像花 The folwer resembles everyone resemble flower
18.空留回忆 Get empty to stay the recollection
19.偷心的人 Steal the person of the heart
20.秋词 Autumn phrase
21.失去的梦 Lost dream