Cut Off!



Cut Off!

又名: 切掉!

表演者: 重塑雕像的权利

流派: 摇滚

专辑类型: EP

介质: Audio CD

发行时间: 2005

唱片数: 1

出版者: 摩登天空

条形码: 9787880797664

其他版本: Cut Off!

ISRC(中国): CNA500544300


重塑雕像的权利 (Re-TROS)
  OURSELF BESIDE ME的贝司手鼓手:马晖曾经是兰州反刍乐队鼓手
  乐队成立于2003年3月,风格为后朋克,受70年代英国乐队Bauhaus, Joy Division, The Cure等影响。2004年4月开始在北京演出2004年9月与OURSELF BESIDE ME一起全国7个城市巡演2005年1月应邀与瑞典“国际噪音阴谋”同台演出2005年1月签约摩登天空BADHEAD2005年9月在“摩登天空5”中发行单曲“a vision of Chris”2005年10月开始录制第一张EP《CUT OFF!》2005年11月发行EP《CUT OFF!》2005年11月 进行了全国11个城市的第一轮巡演2006年 2月 获“百事音乐风云榜”“最佳摇滚新人”提名。
  1. Die in 1977
  ah, the poet jumps out of the window
  Like a falling bomb over my shoes
  There're 10,000 voices would be cutted off
  The newspaper reported it in the subway home
  In the subway
  It's a holiday
  It comes always so late
  The unknown mission makes the eyes insane
  When the plague were coming,
  The emotion already to leave
  When the riot were coming
  So many brains start to think
  "What happen to me?"
  Can you fell the breath
  It's from a beat under your skin
  It brings a wild sensation in 1977
  the tape-machine repeat the same word with different language
  the lonely face behind the freak with no pain
  Pretending nothing was wrong
  Pretending nothing was wrong*
  Could you give me a chance again baby, please!
  Don't you push me into the chaos, aha!
  A new son of bitch is coming to the world today
  He's so smart like a cat and so cold like a snake today
  Pretending nothing was wrong
  Pretending nothing was wrong
  2. A death-bed song
  Blue bus is fading by the way, in the distance
  By the way
  Young giant from west is by the way,
  He is so tired, by the way
  "oh, he's sinking fast"
  “he's thinking to be free”
  And he's sinking into the homesick by the way
  "oh, where do I go? by the way
  And the ghost catches the key of the heaven's door
  He's moving like a snake on the television
  He's moving so fast
  I see that Black J is waiting for me
  I see that Black J is waiting for me
  And he is by the way following me
  And he is by the way following me
  3. Boys in cage
  Boys in cage, I play you fools
  Cause you knew the truth about that June
  It's passed long long time ago
  You, boys in cage
  The telephone rang at midnight
  The bad news comes any time
  “Your son is a bad guy, lady.”
  You, boys in cage
  作者: whereismyeyes 2006-7-2 20:21   回复此发言
  2 关于重塑雕像的权利
  Boys in cage, boys in cage
  Blood at the square
  Painted that Fahne
  And makes it keep in red
  It's not the glory anymore
  You, boys in cage
  You could be a hero
  Or you'll lose the game
  But the end was fixed yet
  And never be changed
  Boys in cage
  Boys in cage, boys in cage
  She missed at the fourth day
  She missed at the fourth day
  And she is following you, boys in cage
  4. If the monkey becomes (to be) the king
  The system would be stopped in this movement,
  Young soldiers are walking in line, without their own minds.
  They were hiding in the shadows and waiting for the order,
  They are shooting the birds for food, who sings at first.
  The lion started screaming as it faced the chaos.
  The Country-Zoo is burning, oh it's burning.
  And the monkey, it becomes (to be) the king,
  oh, it becomes (to be) the king
  “ Oh kill the others!"
  "Yes sir, Mr. Captain,
  Don't let them think, speak, survive and
  Following the dream to find the truth, Oh yes sir, Mr. Captain,
  Oh, yes sir
  Can you help me tell my mum, that she was a liar?
  The stories that you told on me are not the truth, they are not the truth.
  You know?
  they pushed me into the cage, and taught me how to be a monkey
  They led me into the Country-Zoo, and made me to be the king.
  Oh if the monkey becomes (to be) the king, is it so funny?
  Oh if the monkey becomes (to be) the king, is it so crazy?
  Oh if the monkey
  The rider of the time is flowing like the air, so quickly,
  And killers in your mind are waiting for a chance to catch me.
  The system would be stopped at that moment,
  The Country-Zoo is burning.
  Oh if the monkey becomes (to be) the king,
  Is it so funny?
  Oh if the monkey becomes (to be) the king,
  Is it so crazy?
  They kill your men, your women, your children, your futures,
  Your minds, your bodies and your music.
  This country belongs to the monkey
  5. TV Show (hang the police)
  Hang the police under his shotgun,
  Hang the police before we are all murdered.
  The radio plays the bad news in this morning,
  I feel that the blue hands are touching my lips.
  I' m thinking of my future, it seems so difficult to me,
  And I' m watching TV, it shows the distance between
  You and me.
  Oh, don't be crying.
  Hang the police under his shotgun,
  Hang the police before we are all murdered
  Don't be crying
  You'd better run and run and run down the dirty town,
  Don't be sad
  That old and poor and angry man,
  That could be me ,that could be me
  6. Laugh from the time
  You're smiling like a child, dancing on the radio
  But with shadows in you eyes, baby,
  Oh, it's OK. You'll be old, anyway.
  You try to stop the time but it never works,
  It's hard to choose the right way,
  Oh, it's OK. You'll be dead, anyway.
  Life is so crazy, but to end it is so easy,
  Oh it's Ok. You'll be falling, anyway.
  Oh it's Ok!
  Can you trust in me, try to be strong,
  It's always the right thing you should do.
  Can you trust in me, never be sad.
  It's always the right thing you should do.
  I heard a warning is coming from the inside of me
  The warning is coming from the inside of me,
  Can you trust in me?


1. Die In 1977
2. Bed Song
3. Boys In Cage
4. If The Monkey Becomes (To Be) The King
5. TV Show (Hang The Police)
6. Laugh From The Time
关键词:Cut Off