欧美百年热门剧目精华系列 魔力之舞 DTS (Macic Of The Dance) -9



欧美百年热门剧目精华系列 魔力之舞 DTS (Macic Of The Dance) -9

介质: 其他

唱片数: 1

条形码: 9787884172054

ISRC(中国): CNE140401360


广告语: 商品简介:  魔力之舞 全球六千万观众的见证 汇聚三大洲著名编舞家共同献力!现今巡回演出史上最成功的爱尔兰三大舞蹈团之一,(与《大河之舞》的演出舞蹈团同一级别)演出无数、场场爆满!国际著名制作人:贾卡.比兹利连同国际超级舞者奥拉葛.瑞芬、费加.奥迪、麦克汤那莱、克乐蒂.唐妮等人以雷霆万钧般的演出旋风横扫全球。 《魔力之舞》乃天王制作群爱尔兰居国持民族大师巴伯贝尔(音乐总监)、电影《不可能的任务》的制作人贾卡利兹(制作总监)、国际编舞名导、与新锐舞王麦克汤那莱、世界爱尔兰舞蹈冠军得主:费加.奥迪(首席男舞者)、奥拉葛.瑞芬(女子舞团团长)、克乐蒂.唐妮(首席女舞者)等一代名家联合献演之世纪巨作!本剧迄今已缔造风光佳绩无数;2000年至2001年间,曾至三百个城市以上璀璨公演,并于巴西表演时,经由拉丁美洲最大频道环球电视网直播,写下一举征服六千万狂热舞迷,同步痴醉观赏爱尔兰舞转播实况,史上绝无仅有,收视率惊人之扩世记录! Magic of the Dance is a fascinating dance show.A wonderful love story is carried by breath taking dance routines.Explosive tap sequences and highly refined footwoed in a melodic and rhylthmic revue.The charm of the irishi dances is supported by elements of other dance styles,making it a unique experience. The music in Magic of the Dance contain modern,as well as,tradition rhythms that have touched audiences since the begining of the 60s,in performances by Irish folk groups like "The Dubliners 'or even in the Irish Dance scene in the box-office hit Titanic.The magic of the Dance soundtrack follows a musical journey spanning centuries.from melancholic songs about the hardship of Irish history across to lively tracks carrying hope for the future.Modern elements are used for dramaturgical support of some of the dance sequences. Special Features: Enlish/Chinese ooklet Dolby Digital Surround介质: DVD-9