蒂娜透纳 巴西狂欢演唱会(内附英文歌词)(V



蒂娜透纳 巴西狂欢演唱会(内附英文歌词)(V

表演者: 蒂娜透纳

介质: VCD

唱片数: 2

条形码: 9787885135324

ISRC(中国): CNF280342000


详细内容: 1 2 Addicted to love3 I can't stand the rain4 Typical male5 Better be good to me6 Private dancer7 We don't need another hero8 What's love got to do with it?9 Help10 Let's stay together11 Proud mary12 What you get is what you see13 Break every rule14 Paradise is here广告语:   摇滚母狮王。   即使当了母亲,依然活力四射的Tina turner在巴西里约热内卢的演唱会上,这位摇滚母狮王,号召了破记录的观众同她一起共襄盛举:华丽的阵仗、热情的拉丁乐手、光彩夺目的桑巴舞者、庞大闪烁的烟火……,而相较于如此豪华的阵容,Tina以独特的爆发力唱腔及舞台表演,与绚烂的舞台完美融合,带来了We don't need another hero、What's love got to do with it?、Private dancer等等畅销曲,使全场气氛达到了The highest!