Dave Brubeck Octet



Dave Brubeck Octet

表演者: Dave Brubeck/featuring Paul Desmond, Cal Tjader, David Van Kriedt, Dick Collins

流派: 爵士

专辑类型: 专辑

介质: 黑胶

发行时间: 1950

唱片数: 1

出版者: Fantasy

条形码: 0025218610124


The listener has to forgive a few things about this undeniably brilliant collection of Dave Brubeck's first big ensemble. First: the liner notes' pretentions. Brubeck announces there that between 1946, when some of these tunes were recorded, and 1956, when the tapes were first "reissued" on LP, "very few released recordings" have "more musical importance" than the octet. Second: the nearly seven minutes of "How High the Moon" narrated to show how jazz was formed, as the band plays in short demonstrative segments. Third: the audio vérité sound, which even Brubeck thought questionable in 1956. Hearing this dynamic set, though, makes forgiveness easy. The arrangements show a wild abundance of color and orchestral finesse (many of the group's members were, like Brubeck, students of Darius Milhaud). You get quick-clip swingers like "The Way You Looked Tonight" and the string of chamber-esque horn studies that includes "Schizophrenic Scherzo" and more. You also get to hear early Paul Desmond and William O. Smith bouncing ideas off each other and drummer Cal Tjader. And it's all a delight, especially with the magnanimity of "forgiving" Brubeck. --Andrew Bartlett
  爵士的魅力很大程度上在于它是一门表达情感与情绪的艺术。许多爵士乐手一生都在述说着人世间的喜、怒、哀、乐。爵士乐需要的是一种亲和力,正是这样一位貌似平凡的充满阳光般喜悦的人Dave Brubeck缔造了爵士乐坛最为本色的声音。
  Dave Brubeck是唯一一位赢得国际声誉的西海岸风格的爵士钢琴手。他的作品中充满了古典音乐的痕迹,虽然他也跟著名的作曲家Darius Milhaud学习过作曲,但Dave Brubeck并不能算是真正意义上的古典钢琴家,他只是把古典的理论用于编曲与即兴演奏。除了是一名杰出的钢琴演奏家外,Dave Brubeck还是一位伟大的作曲家。他的作品结构简洁、旋律悦耳、编排精巧,给人以持久的新鲜感,难怪有人把他的音乐称为爵士乐与流行乐的完美组合。
  Dave Brubeck四重奏成为了爵士乐的瑰宝,而同样能体现Dave Brubeck个性与才华的还有他的独奏作品。然而他的独奏作品大部分是在家中完成的,于是作品的画龙点睛之处便具备了即兴与真情的实感,这才使得 Dave Brubeck的音乐长盛不衰。作为COOLJAZZ更是西海岸爵士的代表,Dave Brubeck用不懈的努力来证明自己的确实并非徒有其名。作为一个白人爵士艺人,Dave Brubeck学院派的气质是许多黑人兄弟无法比拟的。这就是Dave Brubeck比许多爵士乐手更COOL的本质区别。他的作品更内省,更孤独[请原谅我用这个词]。于是,爆发式的狂放即兴被带古典气质的急速行板所代替。对于传统爵士乐迷来说,这种带着强烈个人魅力的曲风是不可多得的纯净之音。
  如果说在70年代之前是老迈的COOL具有代表性。那在这之后, Dave Brubeck 无疑用行动证明,他才是最后的胜利者。他就是20世纪最后的COOL派大师。他的演艺生涯是如此漫长。有人说,活着是一门学问。活得长久是一门艺术.


1. The Way You Look Tonight
2. Love Walked In
3. What Is This Thing Called Love
4. September In The Rain
5. Prelude
6. Fugue On Bop Themes
7. Let's Fall In Love
9. How High The Moon
10. Serenade Suite
11. Playland-At-The-Beach
12. Prisoner's Song
13. Schzophrenic Scherzo
14. Rondo
15. I Hear A Rhapsody
16. You Go To My Head
17. Laura
18. Closing Theme
关键词:Dave Brubeck Octet